

CTV(Chinese Translation Version),中文譯稱。一段中文或英文的簡短說明:-:知識分類。====================================================
RAN(Radio Access Network),無線接取網路。

R&D(Research and Development),研究與開發。顧名思義,原來是指從舊的技術與條件中,重新思考、開發新技術或新應用的創新活動,但是很多字義在台灣顯然都有新的意義。以筆者的觀察,台灣RD主流的作業模式是等外國的RD將某技術開發得差不多,以一大筆天價購買其軟硬體開發平台(當然包含昂貴的訓練費用),然後再花一筆天價購買昂貴的測試設備,於是兩組人馬在很短的時間依照標準來反覆測試,找出購買的開發平台的缺點與不足,同時順便驗收購買的開發平台與測試設備,漸漸地熟悉這種新技術之後便能夠自己做出一些小小的修改與發明,在專案結束前勉強拼湊出一個通常不具商業價值的堪用原型機,然後以此申請將來掛在牆上展示用的垃圾專利,成果展示時還驕傲地向國人宣稱我們已經具備自行開發某某新技術的能力。
因此建議台灣版本的RD解釋應該是"Refine and Debug (修改與除錯)"。 :-:酸葡萄評論。

RCT(Radio Conformance Tests),射頻符合性測試。看起來是很中性的名詞,其實幾乎已經是WiMAX實體層測試的專屬名詞。:-:WiMAX技術名詞。

RFN(Reduced TDMA Frame Number),。RFN is a 19-bits(before channel coding), encoded parameter of the SCH (Synchronization Channel). arranged as follows:
R1 (10 bits) range 0 ~ 1023 = FN div (51×52);
R2 (6 bits) range 0 ~ 50 = (FN div 52) mod 51;
TG (2 bits) range 0 ~ 3;
and 1 reserved bit;
where FN=TDMA Frame Number, as defined in GSM 05.02, subclause 4.3.3;
TG=Time Group as defined in GSM 05.02, subclause 4.3.4.

GSM 04.06 and GSM 04.08 specify the precise bit ordering, GSM 05.03 specifies the channel coding of the above parameters, and GSM 05.10 defines how the TDMA FN can be calculated from R1 and R2.:-:GSM實體層參數。
[-] Enhancements to the 3-carrier compact solution for IS-136HS

RLC(Radio Link Control),無線鏈路控制。通常與MAC一同出現,與MAC同屬OSI的第二層,在Uu與Iub界面。以UMTS而言:主要功能為提供不同的傳輸品質(QoS, Quality ofService)處理,並據之對所傳輸的資料或控制指令進行不同的切割、傳送、重傳與組合處理。另外,RLC 更提供流量控制、封包次序重整、封包加密、錯誤偵測等封包處理服務,以提供完整的資料切割、分封與傳輸服務。


[-] NTP: WCDMA L2/L3通信協定及軟體發展,2004年10月62期。
[-] 鄭瑞光,GSM的分封數據服務-GPRS。

Rm-interface(-), .CDMA的手機與其他通信裝置的界面, 例如電腦與手機間的Serial, USB或BlueTooth界面 :-:CDMA界面.

RNC(Radio Network Controller),無線網路控制器。UTRAN中用來控制NodeB的網路元件,功能類似於GERAN中的BSC但更強大。:-:UMTS網路元件。

GSM roaming:
Roaming is defined as the ability for a cellular customer to automatically make & receive voice calls, send and receive data, or access other services when travelling outside the geographical coverage area of the home network, by means of using a visited network.

Roaming is technically supported by mobility management, authentication and billing procedures. Establishing roaming between network operators is based on - and the commercial terms are contained in - Roaming Agreements.

If the visited network is in the same country as the home network, this is known as National Roaming. If the visited network is outside the home country, this is known as International Roaming (the term Global Roaming has also been used).

If the visited network operates on a different technical standard than the home network, this is known as Inter-standard roaming.

GSM Roaming, which involves roaming between GSM networks, offers the convenience of a single number, a single bill and a single phone with worldwide access to over 210 countries*. The convenience of GSM Roaming has been a key driver behind the global success of the GSM Platform.

[1] GSM World: Roaming: http://www.gsmworld.com/roaming/index.shtml

RR(Radio Resources Management),無線電資源管理。您沒有看錯,它也沒有寫錯,縮寫的確不是RRM,而是RR。RR掌管手機與MSC間連線的維護、通訊頻道的建立與釋放,並負責任何與電波發射(Radio)有關的任何管理,例如功率控制(Power Control)、非連續傳送(Discontinuous Transmission)、以及發射訊號的時間提前(Timing Advance)。GSM網路內即使手機用戶在通話時移動位置,因為遠離基地台而使接收到的訊號發生衰減,通訊系統也將維持該通話使不至於中斷,這就是有賴於RR子層內的通話交遞(Handover)功能,包含Page Type, Handover procedure, System Information Type...等,都是RR的重要功能。
在GPRS,RR掌管手機與SGSN間連線的維護, 用來管理RLC/MAC以及PDCH。事實上,在GPRS時代,RLC/MAC被視為RR的內部功能,因此有些L3的味道。
- 3GPP TS 44.018 version 4.14.0 Release 4(以前版本): Radio Resource Control Protocol <- 要小心此名稱,沒有RRCP, 只有RR。 - 3GPP TS 44.018 version 4.15.1 Release 4(以後版本): Radio Resource Control (RRC) <- 很奇怪,改得與UMTS的一樣名稱,連我都搞混了。 :-:GSM/Um界面L3堆疊名稱。(
[-] 禹帆,無線通訊網路概論-GSM,GPRS,3G,WAP,Application,文魁資訊
[-] References: 3GPP TS44.018 V4.11.0 Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network; Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification, Radio Resource Control Protocol (Release 1999); 3GPP TS 44.018 version 4.14.0 R4; 3GPP TS 44.018 version 4.15.1 R4

RRC(Radio Resource Control),無線資源控制。UMTS的專屬名詞,相對應於OSI的第三層,在Uu與Iub界面。舉凡無線資源訊息交換、無線資源設定控制、QoS 控制、通道傳輸格式設定控制、封包切割重整處理控制、以及NAS 通訊協定傳輸處理等,皆由RRC來進行。UMTS系統定義了四類的RRC訊息,分別為
- RRC Connection Management
- Radio Bearer Control
- RRC Connection Mobility
- Measurement Report
Ref:[-] NTP: WCDMA L2/L3通信協定及軟體發展,2004年10月62期。

RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indication),接收信號強度指標。RSSI is a measurement of the received radio signal strength (energy integral, not the quality).

RSSI is generic radio receiver technology metric, which usually is invisible to the user of device containing the receiver, but is directly known to users of wireless networking of IEEE 802.11 protocol family.

RSSI is often done in the intermediate frequency (IF) stage before the IF amplifier. In zero-IF systems, it is done in the baseband signal chain, before the baseband amplifier. RSSI output is often a DC analog level. It can also be sampled by an internal ADC and the resulting codes available directly or via peripheral or internal processor bus.:-:Rx內部技術。

[-] Wikipedia: RSSI

